Sunday, December 16, 2012

More Love, Less Hate

Watching MSNBC's coverage of the Newtown shooting saddens me into an emotional place only I can reach deep within myself. So much is on my mind. From seeing my kiddies this week and appreciating the time I get with them much more than before after last week's elementary school shooting to how frustrated I can become with certain situations in my life to where did the weekend go and why couldn't the Bears take away a win from the Packers. I'm angry that the Bears didn't win today, and I'm angry that people who ask for help and need help, don't do anything to help themselves. I see, too often, others make decisions in life that I will never understand. And why should I even worry about it? It's not my life, not my choices, and not my consequences. I guess I just don't understand why anyone asks for help with no intention to help themselves. If you need advice or want help with a situation, another person can only do so much. A large part of help and change comes from within yourself. YOU have to want to change and grow and help yourself. Then, my mind moves on to the shooter of the terrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. There are so many articles and news-casters discussing the real problem with Adam Lanza: Did he have a mental illness? Was he just crazy? Was he planning this alone? No one really knows. Either way, his actions were gruesome, heartbreaking, and just terrible. And only time will tell, if anything, what caused him to create such a tragedy. After that, my mind moves back to the loved ones in my life whom I just don't understand. I may not understand, and I may not be as patient as I used to be, but I need to love more and hate less. No matter what the situation, though I wish some would help themselves more, I do still love these people, and there is a special place in my heart for each and every person in my life. Instead of hating circumstances, hating situations, and hating other's actions, I need to focus on my own. I need to embrace the precious moments I get when a friend calls for help or another friend seeks advice. After all, we are all on this Earth together, sharing breaths and memories that will write our story. So tonight, as we listen to the President address Newtown, and we hold our loved ones a little closer, remember this week to have more love in your life and less hate.

Whatever you are going through tonight..."Only love can dig you out of this." -The Lumineers Slow It Down

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