Thursday, December 6, 2012

Being Bored can be a Blessing

My parents always referred to me as their party girl since I was born on a Friday night: the girl who always likes to have fun, always likes to be in party mode, and always likes to have something to do. I hate being bored. I grew up playing a variety of sports, mainly soccer, which made it very easy to stay busy, leaving little to no time to be bored. There have been many transitions throughout the past year from my family moving away, to being tight on expenses, to finding my place in the workforce, to my social life declining (which I have found to be normal?). I have spent many Friday nights in watching movies in hopes to save money and many weekday nights full of boredom. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. So I've been told.

Part of growing up is learning more about YOU: what you do when you're bored, who you are when no one's watching, actions you take to better yourself, how you choose to handle situations, etc. What do you do when you're bored? In my life, working out doesn't count towards what I do when I'm bored because that is a part of my daily life. Tonight, I was supposed to be attending another yoga class with a friend, but she ended up not being able to go. I could have still attended, but I spent a few hours at the gym, only to find myself bored after my workout. What did I do? I turned on my old i-pod that hasn't been updated in about two years, cooked breakfast food for dinner, and made gingerbread cookies. Not only did I cook, I turned up my i-pod and sang my heart out. No, the roommate didn't have to suffer through my cooking concert tonight, but I sure hope the neighbors enjoyed it. I had a blast, even though I was bored. And that is the first time I have ever cooked bacon and eggs for dinner by myself. I found joy in the quiet moment I had with myself tonight, turned up the music, and enjoyed my surroundings. 

You don't necessarily have to do the same thing. But I encourage you to try this: Next time you're bored, instead of calling your phone contacts to find something to do, or sitting on Facebook for the night, try just enjoying yourself. You need to get to know yourself during these years. These may be the last years you get time to yourself (assuming you want to get married and have kids-or one of these, or none of these).

Being bored can be a blessing, too. 

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