Monday, December 3, 2012

Case of the Mondays?

Thank you Under Armour Women for putting it so perfectly. What DID you do today to overcome your case of the Mondays? I can tell you what I did! I worked, as usual, but I tried something I've never tried before. Hot yoga. And it was hot. Now, typically I'm into rough, contact sports. But today, I discovered why BOTH men and woman love it. So relaxing, so challenging (I always need a challenge), and so dang hot. I have not smelled that bad since college soccer. I would claim hot yoga a success, and something I took part in to overcome my case of the Mondays.

What did you do? Feel free to comment!

Now I find myself watching MTV's latest hit show Catfish. It is so intriguing how these people are fooled so easily. But beyond that, I find it so sad that someone settles for an online-only relationship without skype or any face to face contact. So far, the person on the other side of the computer has never been who they say they are. It seems like these people need a bond with someone they don't have  in their own lives, so they search social media to find it. If you are someone looking for that random hottie online, please let me stop you before you embarrass yourself. I encourage you to go on a dating website where most scammers are weeded out. But please, do not be that creepy Facebook kid.

As Monday comes to a close, I hope it was everything you hoped for to start your week off right. And if your Monday happened to be miserable,  sleep well. Tomorrow's a new day.

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