Sunday, December 2, 2012

Always use your network!

No, blogger world, I have not abandoned you. And I don't plan on it! It's that time of the week again. Sunday funday-the day of rest and the day of anticipating or dreading the upcoming week. Time to snap out of it! Take a minute, grab a marker and a piece of paper, write down your goals, and put that paper somewhere you will see it everyday. First, writing down your goals for the week will provide validation. Second, putting your goals somewhere you will see them, will be a reminder to you everyday. And last, you will be working towards your goals all week, which will create that motivation factor you've been waiting for.

I hope you have had a wonderful weekend with family and friends. I can honestly say, I had a great weekend. I learned a little and lived a little. I caught up with a few old friends, spent time with my man, had a nice night out on the town, and of course, watched football. My favorite college team is going to the BCS championship, and my Bears, well they had a rough day. However, playoffs are right around the corner. There's still hope!

I may say this a lot in my blog posts, but I promise it works. Try something new as much as possible. Even if you hate it after, trying new things creates experience. Tomorrow, I'm going with the roommate to a yoga sculpt class: something I have never done before and something totally new. Roommate bonding time!

Here's a tip: always use your network! What do I mean by network? I mean your network of family and friends. I just so happen to know the teacher that will be instructing the yoga class tomorrow. When you need to buy a car? Make sure you ask family and friends. They may be able to help you with a good deal or know someone who can. This weekend, I had to buy a new car, and because I knew someone who knew someone, I got a pretty good deal. When you need a new doctor, it wouldn't hurt to ask for a reference. Need to plan a party? Ask your bartender friends to set one up at their restaurant. I, recently, decided to look into healthy eating plans. I have a friend who sells meal replacement smoothies. Perfect! You never know who your friends and family know, and you never know exactly how much they can help you unless you ask. Make sure to use your network of family and friends! Not only will you find what you need, they will appreciate you asking, and you will feel an immediate connection. Not only did they help you, you supported what they do.

Get a good night's rest before your Monday! Monday sets the tone for the whole week, so "make it a great day or not, the choice is yours."-As said via intercom every morning in high school.

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