Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Just Take the First Step"

I am certainly not here to discuss who is right and who is wrong on this subject only because there really isn't a right or wrong opinion. But I am certainly here to request peace and understanding, instead of anger and harsh judgments towards a lifestyle you have never lived nor understand. I have witnessed the under-privileged, been humbled by stories and testimonies, volunteered at churches in the inner city, and even fed the homeless. Do I know how hard a life on the streets can be? Absolutely not. It is more than I will ever be able to comprehend or understand. I can't even fathom what happens out there on the streets.

I don't care if you grew up in rough areas and have developed a distaste to a particular race or "kind". It doesn't make it right. I don't care if you believe that everyone is treated equal in this country because that is FAR from the truth. I don't care if you believe that every human being has the same opportunity and circumstances to be anything they want to be because you are wrong. 

I thought about it this way: If I didn't go to one of the best public schools around that I was privileged to attend, where would I be? Would I have ever made it to college? Would my sphere of influence be the same? Would I have stuck with sports as long as I have? Those are all good questions that I can't even answer.

You see, children grow from the second they are born. You are probably thinking "well duh". So if you are not taught right from wrong from the START, you may never adapt to what decisions are right and what are wrong. You may never comprehend the value of making right decisions versus the consequences of making wrong ones. If you are surrounded by family members who are in and out of jail, and it's the "norm", wouldn't you believe it's the norm for yourself, too? If your father is dead, and your mother works day in and day out to be able to survive, and you are basically raising yourself, how would you ever learn what family is, love, and safety? If you work hard in school and love going, but the system could care less if you stay in school or not, would you? Especially in your most rebellious years? How would you feel going to an under privileged school knowing you may never make it college because of the school you go to? Because it's a "drop out" school, so they say. Imagine gun shots being as unnoticeable as the sound of a plane. Or deaths in your neighborhood being expected every DAY. 

Having parents that teach you, family and friends that surround you, a peaceful environment to live in, sports teams that keep you accountable, non-violent, high-rated schools you go to, a home to call "home", and so much more is a BLESSING. YOU ARE BLESSED. Try having none of that, except maybe a home to go to, and a few family members that are still around to care for you. Makes it a little harder to get by right? Try being a child who is raised with no mother or father or both, raised in a community of violence because that is the only place affordable, left alone for hours throughout the day, who hangs out with his older brother who's in a gang. Where do you think he'll end up? You are probably thinking what I'm thinking. 

Now there are a few heroes. And I call them heroes because I do believe they have beat the odds. They become singers, writers, business professionals, counselors, teachers, talk show hosts, and even spiritual leaders. They have beaten a vicious cycle they were born into. 

You can choose your actions, but you do NOT choose by whom and what environment you are born into. You are just born into life. And you are meant to live that life and become the greatest YOU that you can be! Some have a harder road than others. I truly believe that.

I am not saying that there are not people out there who decide to take advantage of their situation...who take advantage of the government, claim racism to every disadvantage they are faced with, who lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. These people are everywhere. And they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. 

It saddens me to see under-privileged go through the hardships they have to endure. My heart breaks because I know in some ways and sometimes all ways it is not by choice. My biggest piece of advice to these folks out there is to break out of where you are, and find a new path. As hard as it may be, if you can break out of that cycle, you really can do anything, and you are a HERO. And for those out there who never do, God have mercy. 

I hope love will find a way in these neighborhoods some day. I hope our children will stop dying. 
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." -MLK

Friday, August 2, 2013


Friendships are one of the sweetest blessings of life.

I am very good at loving from afar. I have a tough time really showing how much I really care for my friends sometimes. I didn't used to, though. College definitely changed the way I treat my friends. Before that, I believed in and trusted every friend I had. I had wonderful friends while I was away at school, but a few let me down, lied to me, and used me. Those few will always stick with me as lessons in disguise. Besides being hurt, I learned to not trust everyone and to stop expecting every person to be a good one.

Now, I am much more careful about who I allow in my life. I meet new people, and I don't cling onto them as though we will be forever friends. I choose wisely. And I think that's a part of growing up. You want friends around you that build you, not break you, that uplift you, not drag you down, that are kind and honest, not two-faced and deceitful.

But then what do you do with friends you have known your whole life? The friends that were there for your first kiss, the first time you were grounded, the first everything. Some of these can be the greatest forever friends! But some may not have turned out how you had hoped. I am learning that in your mid 20's, you start to see your friends establish themselves. They may not be living down the street anymore, or share the same interests and morals as you. That initial bond diminishes between a few of you. But then there are those friendships that have never changed, no matter where you are on the map or how different your interests are. It's amazing how different people clash and different people are drawn to each other.

Like I said before, I am very good at loving from afar. In some cases, I need to love from afar, because I see a better friendship in that than staying close. Just like it's natural to fall in love, it's so natural to be drawn to some as your close friends and clash with others.

I fight this all the time because I miss how close I used to be to some. My advice to you and myself is to stop fighting it. Part of growing up is choosing your friends wisely, and it's better to have a few good friends that you enjoy spending time with than friends you have to make yourself spend time with. It's natural. Let it be.

Cherish your friendships whether they are close or afar. Enjoy some of life's sweetest gifts, and always be kind.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sparkling Moments

I live for the sparkling moments when you put on your new show-stopper dress to wear out on the town,

or when the girls get together and share wine, laughs, and good memories,

or the 4th of July when bright colors are everywhere in the sky and the great Red, White, and Blue are worn by every citizen,

or when babies have their first birthday and you truly realize how fast time flies,

or when you have the most amazing night staying in with your lover just laying on the couch in pjs,

or when you accomplish a much longed for achievement,

or when you do something you never thought you could ever do,

or when you feel that forgiveness you needed the most,

or when you wake up on Christmas morning,

or when you learn what true love really is,

or when you are there for a friend who needs a shoulder,

or when you lose something but God blesses you with something else,

or when you truly take in every precious element around you,

or when you embrace the sunset for the first time in days.

Yea, I live for sparkling moments like that.

Confidence is Key

When it comes to your job and what you do with your time, you need confidence!

When you head into a big meeting about to give a job-changing presentation, you need confidence!

When you set boundaries and morals for your own life, you need confidence!

When you look in the mirror, you need confidence!

When it's summer, and you are bare more often than not, you need confidence!

Confidence is KEY, especially in your 20's. You are respectfully the underdog in the work force, a newbie at bills and building your credit, still getting rid of college habits, learning to take care of yourself, and having to make tough choices that will affect your future such as your choice of friends and your career path. This is all completely and totally normal. Some of you have learned all of this earlier in life, depending on when you started out completely on your own, and some of you will not learn this until whatever leash you're on is indefinitely cut off.

But one key factor in getting by is CONFIDENCE. You have to believe you will make it no matter the circumstances you're in, you have to carry yourself confidently so others will believe in you, and you really just need to be your own best friend. If you are your own worst enemy, get to yoga class or read a self-help book because you do not want to be your own worst enemy! If you do not like what you see when you look at yourself, whether it be looks, where you're at in life, or who you are, YOU are the only one who can change that.

Confidence: full trust, belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013


We are called to love, no matter what race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social status, NO MATTER WHAT, we are called to love.

I'm so happy and proud of Steven Grand, who comes from my very own hometown. Some of my fondest memories of high school are hanging in the Grand's garage til' the wee hours of the morning listening to Bill (Grand), Steve, and the gang jam out. From stories I've heard, coming out to the family was a tough thing to do. I can only imagine the courage Steve had to have to do this. His musical talents are beyond extraordinary. If you get in a room with him, all you want to do is be serenaded by his vocals and instrumental abilities.

Today he has not only made a career path for himself playing in bars and for the church Sunday mornings, but he even funded his own music video on his own. Now he has half a million hits on his first video "All-American Boy" and counting. He will be a star, I just know it! Check out this video from Good Morning America this morning.

Anything is possible, and dreams DO come true. Never stop dreaming, and remember folks, we are called to LOVE.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Sun Must Set

"I know the Sun must set to rise." 

“There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them.” 
-Jo Walton

"Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal." 
-Elbert Hubbard

"Clouds come floating in my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." 
-Rabindranath Tagore

"A sunset has many interpretations, but the greatest of these is that God is watching over us."

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lying is Murder

I believe it is time I start writing again. Wow, has it been what feels like forever. I initially stopped writing because the "Relationship" chapter of my Happiness Project began in February, and lets face it, I keep my relationship private. That's my way of protecting my relationship.

Some has changed, but most has not. I changed jobs to a current sales position that I enjoy very much. You learn a lot in sales. Everything else is pretty much the same. However, it IS warmer outside, I have a new car, and my four goldfish are still alive.

There is one thing I've observed over the past few months (again) that I'd like to share with you. A majority of my everyday life is spent working, working out, seeing friends, building my relationship, missing my family, etc. And EVERY tough situation, pickle, or adversity that I see people face, usually has to do with the same thing: Lying. This may be a repeat post, but I urge you to please listen up on this topic. Marriages end, friendships die, relationships break up, you go crazy, you become guilty and insecure, and you are paranoid. Nothing good comes from lying. And the lying I'm talking about does not include telling your friend she doesn't look fat when she may or not admitting to eating the last cookie. I'm talking about serious lying. Lying that breaks hearts, leaves scars, and leaves you in turmoil.

If you have to lie to someone either: a) just don't do it, you'll regret it later. or b) STOP LIVING A LIFE YOU HAVE TO LIE ABOUT. Now, no one is perfect, and everyone has their fair share of lying experience. But I just don't understand it. I don't have any polls or statistics on this, but it just seems like a majority of friendship and relationship problems that you face have everything to do with lying. Why do you want to have so many secrets? Why are you so ashamed? Why do you act upon situations that you have to lie about? Why must you lie to the people you say you love the most? I'm not a judge, or a jury for that matter. What you lie about is entirely up to you. You and I both know that life is much easier when you don't have to lie. So next time you are in a situation that you have to lie about, think twice about the possible outcome if you're caught. And think about how much time you are going to have to spend building up broken trust.

And lastly, if you are a pathological liar, or a frequent liar, who do you think you're fooling? It's not like your surroundings don't catch on to your lies, especially those close to you. You may be caught, and you don't even know it. Your friends and significant other could be trying to piece together your lies and soak in the betrayal you have shown. And now you'll be up all night wondering if you're caught and just don't know it yet.

See, lying sucks. In my opinion, lying is murder to life.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

With the Angels

My great-grandma is now with the angels above. And as she is laid to rest today, I feel the need to share this story. I've only shared it with one other person so far.

Driving to church this past Sunday morning, we drove by a sign on the side of the highway that read Jesus is coming soon. I didn't want to jinx mine or my guy's flight home that day, so I said nothing about it. It really did pull at my heart once I found out my great grandmother has passed. Jesus really did come soon-less than an hour later to be exact. I am blessed to have seen her over Christmas break, gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and told her I loved her.

There are so many meaningful moments in our everyday life. There are so many precious people on our lives, as well, that we may take for granted, or not realize how important we are to them or how important they are to us. Always strive to be the BEST you, and you will shine.

Rest with the angels Momma-Neen. You are dearly loved and missed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It's time to begin isn't it

Put all your stress aside, your mind at ease, and your heart centered. Are you happy with where you're at? So many may say yes, but so many may say no, and there will be many that will think not as happy as I could be. That's what I woke up thinking one morning after reading The Happiness Project, and that's what got me blogging.

If you are in your mid-20s, folks, this is PRIME TIME in your life. Time to find yourself, what you like and don't like, what you enjoy and don't enjoy, time to ponder and really take control of where your life is going. Now, anyone who is older and younger, it's never too late or too soon. But I'm sure many who are older will agree: Your 20s are YOURS. Whatever you make of your 20s will define the rest of your life. (I'm sure this goes for many other seasons in life, as well.) This, also, is a GREAT time to work AS HARD as you can. Next thing you know, you're married, busy, having children, and have NO time to yourself. That's why I am choosing to really cherish these years. They aren't easy, as I've written before. Nothing can prepare you for post-college. Not even college can prepare for post-college life. Sorry folks. I don't think anyone expects to work a 9-5 the rest of their life, and settle into the first job they get. I don't think anyone likes the reality of your income going towards college bills, car payments, keeping your health good, and so on. I have recently been told Instead of wishing it were easier, make yourself better. I don't exactly wish it were easier. I wish the world went round' differently, and starving kids could eat, and every married couple would be happy, and homeless people had a home, and murderers didn't exist, and that everyone is safe in their own home, and President's wouldn't lie. I wish a lot of things, but I seldom wish it were easier. Sometimes I wish I were in someone else's shoes, someone who DOES have it easier. But at the same time, I am truly blessed, and I'm happy to be where I'm at.

My mind always wanders off to "what if" or "what I would have done if I would have known then what I know now". Honestly, I probably wouldn't be residing in a northern state, I'd be closer to my family, I wouldn't date in high school or college, I may not have gone to a private college, I might have not trusted the wrong people and trusted the right people, I would have stayed involved in church more, and so on. The list goes on and on. But I truly am blessed. I can't say it enough. I am blessed. I'm alive and well, I feel safe, have a great relationship, have wonderful friends, and I get to visit my family more often than I ever thought I'd be able. And those are things to be thankful for. Yes, I have changed a lot in the last year. Heck, the last five years. Don't be too quick to judge, though. Because I am still Carissa.

"It's time to begin, isn't it?
I get a little bit bigger but then I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
That I'm never changing who I am"
-Imagine Dragons

Start every day brand new, and remember, you are still YOU.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Reflecting Mood

Can't believe January is almost over. It has flown by. I just got back from two weekends of adventures. One weekend skiing, and the other weekend visiting fam. What a great few days off with friends and family. I don't feel any different, having had focused on myself this month. I do see change, though. Looking back a year ago, I am a totally different person. I'm more content and confident. I worry less about what others think and more about what I think. One quote really stuck out to me tonight. I'm sure you've read it before, but I really needed it.

"It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that the people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on."

This has rung true in my life throughout the last few months, and it really has changed me. Not in a bad way, though. In a positive, growing up kind of way. I'm happy to be where I am, to come from what I've come from, and to have the people I have in my life now: those who love and care for me genuinely, who accept me as I am and build me up, who have made such an impact in my life that I can't live without them, who always encourage and never discourage, who are honest, loyal, and trustworthy. If you are someone in my life today, thank you for everything you are. 

My great grandmother passed this morning. Heaven was callin' her name and off she went. She was a strong woman. Her heart was stronger than any doctor would have guessed. She always had a story to share, and let me tell you, she spoke her mind. I hope to be at least half the woman she was. I am proud to be her great granddaughter, and I hope I make her proud one day. My family has many angels up there watching over us, and now we have one more. 

Needless to say, cherish EVERY moment. You never know when it could be your time-or someone you love. 

Definitely in a reflecting mood tonight, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Have a great week folks! And hold those close to you a little tighter than before. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Act How You Want to Feel

So January. Wow, what a month so far. I've been sick, found out I'll be having to change roommates, and I feel like there's always something to do, never a minute to spare. I have been working this month on myself. Yes, me, myself, and I. And so far, I feel I'm doing a so-so job. I've made some changes, but still have a few inner things to work out. I finally joined a gym again! This is a big deal for me! No more at home workouts or a less than use-able apartment workout center to cling to. I am finally a part of a gym again, and I'm pumped about it! Adding a gym back into my life has brought great joy...and a ton of motivation. SO stoked! Also, I planned a few trips I'll be taking this month. Usually I would save my bucks and skip out on a few weekend get-aways, but not this year! I'm heading on a ski trip this weekend with friends and another family trip next weekend! I'm finally going to a volunteer meeting to get the scoop on volunteering at a local charity. And I'm scheduling out my time better. I don't have a whole lot of pick-me-up insight today when it comes to loving yourself, but I do have some advice. Do something YOU love: plan a trip, catch a movie, check out the latest display at a museum. Whatever it is, do something you love. Take care of yourself. I am one to tell you, I'd rather go to work than stay home sick. But if getting better means staying at home, STAY AT HOME! Now for the inner details I am trying to work out: I'm a very happy girl, driven, excited about life, takes chances kind of girl. I am petrified of knives and creepy crawling bugs (and much more). I do get jealous (you're a liar if you say you don't), even bitter sometimes. I will stand up for myself if you confront me, but if I don't have anything to say to you, I won't. I love my family and my friends. I value every relationship in my life, enough to keep you close because together we are something good or push you away if it's for the better. There are some people in my life that I need to work harder at getting along with. I love learning, and I love sharing my story. Throughout college, I have learned that you cannot trust everyone. Maybe I learned this a little late, but there is definitely a scar on my heart, and I am much more guarded than I was growing up. I really dress how I want. I don't care if you don't like me. I probably like you, though. I could write a book of everything I know about myself. Heck, people like to talk about themselves-it's a fact. I do want to tackle some of the personal negatives in my life such as jealousy and bitterness. I don't come off as probably any of these, but I do lock these emotions deep down and try to keep them there. However, I think this is a perfect time to release whatever it is I'm holding onto, and really see what I'm made of. I'm sure I will learn much more these next few months and even this year! And I will try to share as much as possible throughout my journey. In the mean time, time to get some rest for a long day of work tomorrow. Act how you want to feel. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

You'll Make It

So far, this month has been super busy. This is very odd, in my opinion, seeing as though I had the whole first week of January off of work. Some days, like today, I feel like I have little time to myself, even though the free time I have is spent with myself getting what needs to be done, done. Here's a tip I've learned from this past year: You will get more done on your work days than your vacation days!

You're probably thinking Wow, that makes no sense. Indeed it does. I am more stressed on the days leading up to vacation than the regular work week. On the days leading up to vacation, I am eager for vacation to arrive! I am constantly thinking relaxation is right around the corner. Then, vacation comes, and as relaxing as it is, I get nothing of priority done. This is because I believe I owe it to myself to not use vacation days for stress or priorities. Maybe I'm on the right track or maybe I'm on the wrong. Either way, when it comes to getting stuff done in my life, it usually happens on a work day, after a long day at work. I think I'm just more in the zone on work days than on my days off. I'm hoping to start up a new project soon having to do with vacationing so keep your eyes and ears open! (EXCITED!)

I really have taken the last few weeks to reflect back on where I was a year ago. Jobless, frustrated, searching for myself. Graduating college is a HUGE accomplishment. Becoming an adult feels like an even bigger accomplishment or adjustment. So much will change, so much HAS changed! I have found when I was in-between jobs, realizing how this adult thing goes, I would quite frequently feel like I had to change something to spice up my life. I died my hair twice in the same year (not normal), got a new piercing, and became persistent on getting my tatoo as soon as possible (still have yet to get it). I changed up my workout routine dozens of times-you name it, I've tried it. I started diets, quit diets, tried different jobs, quit different jobs. Up, down, up, down. That pretty much describes my life a year ago. Keep in mind most of this was the result of my family moving out of state. Those of you who live near or with your families, cherish those moments because one day you will move out, and you will miss it. Family gives you purpose and a sense of belonging. After a long work week, that's a good feeling. And getting used to coming home from work on a Thursday or Friday and looking at that wine bottle on your kitchen counter with a movie in mind will never compare to coming home to your family-to people you know, love, and cherish. So enjoy these days to the fullest. Reality is coming.

If you're where I was a year ago, hold fast. Better days are ahead. I can't promise there won't be storms, but you'll make it. Just like you said you would on graduation day.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Stay on your game folks!

"Do not accept criticism in your life as a reason to keep you down. That would be like my father quitting preaching because someone disapproves of him or Michael Jordan quitting basketball when he didn't make the team. Stay on your game folks!" 

So true. I recently read something sent to my father that was just plain cruel, and it made me think, what if he listened? What if he listened to criticism and harsh words? I have learned that my father does not react to cruelty. He may take generous consideration, but he will not stop doing what he loves or standing up for what he thinks is right. I used to be a people-pleaser which is someone who makes sure everyone else is happier but their own self. I never wanted to cause trouble or be the center of a problem. And in some ways I'm still like that. But in more ways, I'm becoming an individual. I have opinions, I have thoughts, and most importantly I have reason. I am learning what is healthy and what is not. The poison in my life may be the best thing in your life. Everyone is different and everyone needs a different formula. I am someone who needs grounded people in my life, or at least as many grounded people possible. My guy happens to be very grounded, something I find hard to be. There are many reasons for this such as moving around as a child, learning to adapt to new things, nothing ever staying the same, having all eyes on me at all times as a preacher's kid, high expectations-all of these circumstances make up my eventful, fast-paced life. The formula to keeping my head on straight and having the fullest and healthiest lifestyle possible is probably different than yours. I've seen friends and family who've had divorced families, sibling issues, addictions, whatever the case may be, and they need a different formula to keep their life on track. They may need a certain kind of partner in their life to stay balanced or they may need to be working on a project at all times or they may need to stay away from certain places that promote their addiction. So before you judge anyone, or try to figure out the who, what, when, where, how, and why in their lives, take a step back and recognize that their picture is different than yours. Every individual has different demons, different angels, and a different formula. Remember that next time before passing a judgment. Take any criticism given to you, have grace, and have the courage to keep going.

Side note: I found a lot of success today. I spent the day with myself, getting priorities done, and I didn't drive myself crazy. I tried my best to enjoy the precious time I had with myself that I don't get as often as I should. Score. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Happiness Project 2013

I am SO excited for this. Yes, I am doing my very own happiness project throughout the year of 2013. As Gretchen Rubin says, her happiness project will look very different from anyone else's. After all, we are all so unique. We all have different ideas, struggles, goals, and beliefs. I, just like Rubin, have a pretty good life. I'm happy, but I know I can be happier. And I want to be a happier ME! I want to find true happiness. And I think by seeking out happiness, I am opening up a door to an experience that can only teach me, not harm me. So here it is, the layout, everything. I'm excited to take you on this journey with me! And I'm so glad to have even found inspiration to go on this trip. (Thank you Gretchen Rubin and The Happiness Project book.)

Here is the overview of each monthly focus:

January: Me, myself, and I
February: Relationships
March: Career
April: My faith/beliefs, God
May: Friendship
June: Family
July: Me, myself, and I
August: Relationships
September: Career
October: My faith/beliefs, God
November: Friendship
December: Family

Now you may be thinking Why do you have repeating focuses? Good question. I've even discussed this with my mother. Basically, I want to do each focus twice to see the growth throughout the year. Rubin did a different one every month, in hopes to carry over all that she has learned each month, into the next month. For my project, when the second time around comes, I hope to build on top of that, and see how much I have grown in that specific area. 
  • Me, myself, and I: What a category. I think we lose sight of why we love ourselves so easily. Our most important relationship is our relationship with ourselves, so I've been told. If we are too hard on ourselves, most likely we struggle with that in other areas. If we look in the mirror and constantly critique ourselves, that will show somewhere in our lives. I have been told over and over Fall in love with yourself. Sounds easy, but we all know it's most definitely not. I want to love myself, see myself the way I want others to view me as. I need to learn to stop beating myself up over anything and everything. Also, I want to get back into a workout routine that is effective, so I can be physically happy with myself. Being happy with yourself, at all times, is a dream for women, that only few can achieve. I need this time for ME to become a better ME before I start working on other important aspects of my life. 
  • Relationships: I am currently in a loving relationship, and I want to really focus in on what I can be doing better or what role I play in my relationship. This focus couldn't come at a better time, seeing as though it is Valentines Day this month, and our anniversary happens to be on that day. 
  • Career: Obviously, my career is very important in my life. A majority of the day is spent working. I want to really dig into my career, find what I can be doing better, etc. I'm really excited to see how important my career is in my life and what affect it has on me. 
  • My faith/beliefs, God: I have been raised in a Christian home, and I want to dig deeper into my faith. Since college, I still go to church, but I don't dig into my beliefs like I did as a child. God and prayer are already very important in my life, but keeping a relationship with what I believe in needs to be important, too. 
  • Friendship: I have learned so much about friends in 2012. I am either speechless or full of words on this subject. All my life, friends have been a huge part. I want to spend my friendship months really getting into my friendships, digging deeper into who is a friend and who really stands beside me. Be kind to everyone, especially your enemies. 
  • Family: Family, above all else, is so special in my life. They will always be my family no matter what. I want my relationships with my family to grow as I grow older. I made sure the family focus lies in December because my family lives far away, and December is usually when I spend the most time with my family members (Christmas, holidays).
My Declaration of Independence to my Happiness Project 2013
20 Do's, 13 Don'ts
1. Be kind to everyone.
2. Eat well.
3. Stay on focus.
4. Try something new.
5. Love myself the way I love others.
6. Save money.
7. Be thankful at all times for what I have. 
8. Live in the NOW.
9. Be creative/spontaneous.
10. Stay healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally.
11. Be honest.
12. Be the best ME that I know how to be. AKA-BE MYSELF!
13. Think before I speak, react, and buy.
14. Accept every person on my journey as a teacher.
15. Love more, with nothing in return.
16. Pray.
17. Be giving.
18. Believe I have a purpose in my everyday life.
19. Treat others as I would want to be treated.
20. Find true happiness/my own happiness.

1. Do not believe that this journey is all about me.
2. Do not set limits.
3. Do not set expectations.
4. Do not quit.
5. Do not let anyone else decide for me what path I take, my future, or my attitude.
6. Do not judge others.
7. Do not be selfish.
8. Do not be afraid.
9. Do not hold grudges.
10. Do not ignore how I feel. 
11. Do not be negative.
12. Do not worry.
13. Do not hold back from my full potential.

2013, I am ready for you! The ups, the downs, the great, the bad, the special moments, and the changing moments. Here I go! HAPPY NEW YEAR!