Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Happiness Project 2013

I am SO excited for this. Yes, I am doing my very own happiness project throughout the year of 2013. As Gretchen Rubin says, her happiness project will look very different from anyone else's. After all, we are all so unique. We all have different ideas, struggles, goals, and beliefs. I, just like Rubin, have a pretty good life. I'm happy, but I know I can be happier. And I want to be a happier ME! I want to find true happiness. And I think by seeking out happiness, I am opening up a door to an experience that can only teach me, not harm me. So here it is, the layout, everything. I'm excited to take you on this journey with me! And I'm so glad to have even found inspiration to go on this trip. (Thank you Gretchen Rubin and The Happiness Project book.)

Here is the overview of each monthly focus:

January: Me, myself, and I
February: Relationships
March: Career
April: My faith/beliefs, God
May: Friendship
June: Family
July: Me, myself, and I
August: Relationships
September: Career
October: My faith/beliefs, God
November: Friendship
December: Family

Now you may be thinking Why do you have repeating focuses? Good question. I've even discussed this with my mother. Basically, I want to do each focus twice to see the growth throughout the year. Rubin did a different one every month, in hopes to carry over all that she has learned each month, into the next month. For my project, when the second time around comes, I hope to build on top of that, and see how much I have grown in that specific area. 
  • Me, myself, and I: What a category. I think we lose sight of why we love ourselves so easily. Our most important relationship is our relationship with ourselves, so I've been told. If we are too hard on ourselves, most likely we struggle with that in other areas. If we look in the mirror and constantly critique ourselves, that will show somewhere in our lives. I have been told over and over Fall in love with yourself. Sounds easy, but we all know it's most definitely not. I want to love myself, see myself the way I want others to view me as. I need to learn to stop beating myself up over anything and everything. Also, I want to get back into a workout routine that is effective, so I can be physically happy with myself. Being happy with yourself, at all times, is a dream for women, that only few can achieve. I need this time for ME to become a better ME before I start working on other important aspects of my life. 
  • Relationships: I am currently in a loving relationship, and I want to really focus in on what I can be doing better or what role I play in my relationship. This focus couldn't come at a better time, seeing as though it is Valentines Day this month, and our anniversary happens to be on that day. 
  • Career: Obviously, my career is very important in my life. A majority of the day is spent working. I want to really dig into my career, find what I can be doing better, etc. I'm really excited to see how important my career is in my life and what affect it has on me. 
  • My faith/beliefs, God: I have been raised in a Christian home, and I want to dig deeper into my faith. Since college, I still go to church, but I don't dig into my beliefs like I did as a child. God and prayer are already very important in my life, but keeping a relationship with what I believe in needs to be important, too. 
  • Friendship: I have learned so much about friends in 2012. I am either speechless or full of words on this subject. All my life, friends have been a huge part. I want to spend my friendship months really getting into my friendships, digging deeper into who is a friend and who really stands beside me. Be kind to everyone, especially your enemies. 
  • Family: Family, above all else, is so special in my life. They will always be my family no matter what. I want my relationships with my family to grow as I grow older. I made sure the family focus lies in December because my family lives far away, and December is usually when I spend the most time with my family members (Christmas, holidays).
My Declaration of Independence to my Happiness Project 2013
20 Do's, 13 Don'ts
1. Be kind to everyone.
2. Eat well.
3. Stay on focus.
4. Try something new.
5. Love myself the way I love others.
6. Save money.
7. Be thankful at all times for what I have. 
8. Live in the NOW.
9. Be creative/spontaneous.
10. Stay healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally.
11. Be honest.
12. Be the best ME that I know how to be. AKA-BE MYSELF!
13. Think before I speak, react, and buy.
14. Accept every person on my journey as a teacher.
15. Love more, with nothing in return.
16. Pray.
17. Be giving.
18. Believe I have a purpose in my everyday life.
19. Treat others as I would want to be treated.
20. Find true happiness/my own happiness.

1. Do not believe that this journey is all about me.
2. Do not set limits.
3. Do not set expectations.
4. Do not quit.
5. Do not let anyone else decide for me what path I take, my future, or my attitude.
6. Do not judge others.
7. Do not be selfish.
8. Do not be afraid.
9. Do not hold grudges.
10. Do not ignore how I feel. 
11. Do not be negative.
12. Do not worry.
13. Do not hold back from my full potential.

2013, I am ready for you! The ups, the downs, the great, the bad, the special moments, and the changing moments. Here I go! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I hope you can stick to it and share your progress along the way :)
