Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Act How You Want to Feel

So January. Wow, what a month so far. I've been sick, found out I'll be having to change roommates, and I feel like there's always something to do, never a minute to spare. I have been working this month on myself. Yes, me, myself, and I. And so far, I feel I'm doing a so-so job. I've made some changes, but still have a few inner things to work out. I finally joined a gym again! This is a big deal for me! No more at home workouts or a less than use-able apartment workout center to cling to. I am finally a part of a gym again, and I'm pumped about it! Adding a gym back into my life has brought great joy...and a ton of motivation. SO stoked! Also, I planned a few trips I'll be taking this month. Usually I would save my bucks and skip out on a few weekend get-aways, but not this year! I'm heading on a ski trip this weekend with friends and another family trip next weekend! I'm finally going to a volunteer meeting to get the scoop on volunteering at a local charity. And I'm scheduling out my time better. I don't have a whole lot of pick-me-up insight today when it comes to loving yourself, but I do have some advice. Do something YOU love: plan a trip, catch a movie, check out the latest display at a museum. Whatever it is, do something you love. Take care of yourself. I am one to tell you, I'd rather go to work than stay home sick. But if getting better means staying at home, STAY AT HOME! Now for the inner details I am trying to work out: I'm a very happy girl, driven, excited about life, takes chances kind of girl. I am petrified of knives and creepy crawling bugs (and much more). I do get jealous (you're a liar if you say you don't), even bitter sometimes. I will stand up for myself if you confront me, but if I don't have anything to say to you, I won't. I love my family and my friends. I value every relationship in my life, enough to keep you close because together we are something good or push you away if it's for the better. There are some people in my life that I need to work harder at getting along with. I love learning, and I love sharing my story. Throughout college, I have learned that you cannot trust everyone. Maybe I learned this a little late, but there is definitely a scar on my heart, and I am much more guarded than I was growing up. I really dress how I want. I don't care if you don't like me. I probably like you, though. I could write a book of everything I know about myself. Heck, people like to talk about themselves-it's a fact. I do want to tackle some of the personal negatives in my life such as jealousy and bitterness. I don't come off as probably any of these, but I do lock these emotions deep down and try to keep them there. However, I think this is a perfect time to release whatever it is I'm holding onto, and really see what I'm made of. I'm sure I will learn much more these next few months and even this year! And I will try to share as much as possible throughout my journey. In the mean time, time to get some rest for a long day of work tomorrow. Act how you want to feel. 

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