Thursday, July 18, 2013

Confidence is Key

When it comes to your job and what you do with your time, you need confidence!

When you head into a big meeting about to give a job-changing presentation, you need confidence!

When you set boundaries and morals for your own life, you need confidence!

When you look in the mirror, you need confidence!

When it's summer, and you are bare more often than not, you need confidence!

Confidence is KEY, especially in your 20's. You are respectfully the underdog in the work force, a newbie at bills and building your credit, still getting rid of college habits, learning to take care of yourself, and having to make tough choices that will affect your future such as your choice of friends and your career path. This is all completely and totally normal. Some of you have learned all of this earlier in life, depending on when you started out completely on your own, and some of you will not learn this until whatever leash you're on is indefinitely cut off.

But one key factor in getting by is CONFIDENCE. You have to believe you will make it no matter the circumstances you're in, you have to carry yourself confidently so others will believe in you, and you really just need to be your own best friend. If you are your own worst enemy, get to yoga class or read a self-help book because you do not want to be your own worst enemy! If you do not like what you see when you look at yourself, whether it be looks, where you're at in life, or who you are, YOU are the only one who can change that.

Confidence: full trust, belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing.


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