Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sparkling Moments

I live for the sparkling moments when you put on your new show-stopper dress to wear out on the town,

or when the girls get together and share wine, laughs, and good memories,

or the 4th of July when bright colors are everywhere in the sky and the great Red, White, and Blue are worn by every citizen,

or when babies have their first birthday and you truly realize how fast time flies,

or when you have the most amazing night staying in with your lover just laying on the couch in pjs,

or when you accomplish a much longed for achievement,

or when you do something you never thought you could ever do,

or when you feel that forgiveness you needed the most,

or when you wake up on Christmas morning,

or when you learn what true love really is,

or when you are there for a friend who needs a shoulder,

or when you lose something but God blesses you with something else,

or when you truly take in every precious element around you,

or when you embrace the sunset for the first time in days.

Yea, I live for sparkling moments like that.

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