Friday, December 7, 2012

Let Go

I have always been told that love and friendship should come easy. Family is more challenging due to the fact that you can't choose your family. You may never see eye to eye with your mom, dad, or siblings, but you sure love em' like crazy.

There have been many times that I have made my life harder than it has to be. For some reason, I enjoy working hard at friendships and love, but I'm starting to learn the meaning of that constant advice I've been given: love and friendship should come easy.

At this age, there is a lot of "work" to be done: work itself, enjoying the here and now, eating healthy, making it to the gym everyday, paying your bills on time. These all take work. And now I understand, if you have to work uber hard to keep some of your friendships and relationships around, you are probably working too hard. Friendships are a blessing. Friends keep you up when you're falling down. They support you, make you laugh, encourage you, and love you for YOU. That shouldn't be hard. If you are finding it hard to connect with an old friend or to have a friendship at all with that person, it's probably time to let go. I get bitter about this, because I do love all of my friends with all my heart, even the ones I've lost touch with. But I have learned the hard way to let go of friendships that bring you down, as they say. Make sure your friendships are a blessing in your life, not another challenge. And as for relationships? Refer to the "Partner=Best Friend" post.

Let go of what you need to let go of. What is supposed to be will be. And be grateful for those who are a blessing in your life today.

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