Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday Bluesday

You ever have those days where it wasn't spectacular, but it wasn't too shabby either? That would be my Tuesday and about every Tuesday that I can think of. I scratched a few things off that dang to-do list, made it to my kitchen table for a decent breakfast this morning, and completed a few mini projects to finish up my bedroom.

By the way, LIVE ON YOUR OWN! It is so exhilarating. And I don't mean go buy a house just yet, but grab a roommate or two, and get your own place. Living with Mom and Dad gets old, and feeling like you're imposing on the peace in someone else's house doesn't get easier. However, times have changed, and living with Mom and Dad straight out of college is more the norm nowadays. Nothing wrong with that. Just as long as you aren't living there for comfort. Step out of that comfort zone, save up a few paychecks, and spread those wings. I will not be deceiving and say that living on your own is easy, because it isn't. You have to budget and plan, keep track of rent money, and make sure you can feed yourself from the most likely empty pantry/fridge of yours.

I have the luxury of finally getting my own apartment, and having my car give out on me in the same few months. But that post can wait for another time.

A few things that can uplift your Tuesday 'bluesday' (figured it was a good rhyming word to accurately describe Tuesdays) going into Wednesday mood that I found to surprisingly work:

  • Change your ringtone to one of your current favorite songs. You will look forward to hearing your phone ring even if you would rather not pick up.
  • Change that phone background of yours that you are tired of looking at to another picture you love. You will instantly feel a sense of joy every time you look at your phone.
  • Check into those extra boxes of clutter leftover from college.
I totally did all of these things and felt instantly relieved. I scavenged up a few old, still taped, boxes from college with some surprisingly useful items: cups, plastic wrap, plates, kitchen appliances, Christmas lights, an old Christmas tree, coffee mugs, paper towel holders, and towel hangers. I am still utterly amazed at what I found in my "college stash" that I never knew I had. 

Two things to definitely work on: 
  • Get to bed earlier.
  • Put my restless mind to sleep.
  • Finish The Happiness Project book. 
After all, it was my motivation and inspiration for this blog.
Signing off tonight before my typical, mid-week crisis Wednesday,

1 comment:

  1. couldn't agree more on moving out and being on your own. it is so exhilarating! I am now on my own for 2 years now and I couldn't be more happy with being on my own. Many different adventures I have embarked on and I totally agree with your mini list that you have accomplished today.I know throughout the past 2 years I am still finding things that are useful for my place. Love this new blog :)
