Monday, November 26, 2012


My mid-20's life crisis. Or so it feels. I am a 23-year-old college graduate, finding my way in the "real world", something that even parents and college cannot fully prepare you for. This blog is completely inspired by Gretchen Rubin's book: The Happiness Project. I started reading The Happiness Project a little over a week ago, and even words cannot describe my joy that has come from that book. Over the past few days, I have found myself talking to friends about the book and applying little "pick-me-ups" to my everyday life.

I am writing this blog for YOU, the 20-something year old who is completely in a, what feels like, mid-life crisis. And since, we are no where near an actual mid-life crisis, I call this a mid-20's crisis. I am in YOUR boat:

  • The Entitlement Boat-where any and every aspiration, dream job, and hunk-of-love man should be yours because you are entitled to it. 
  • The "I miss college" Boat-where you would do anything and you mean ANYTHING to be back in the endless partying, no responsibility, fast-paced, people everywhere, college lifestyle. And did I say party?
  • The Broke Boat-where you realize how much money mom and dad used to spend on you, and how expensive you really are...and how broke you really are.
  • The Useless Boat-where you think you have no significant use in this world, and you become depressed about it.
  • And many more....
You name it, and I'm probably in that same boat with you every day of my existence. I am determined to tackle this mid-20's crisis if it's the last great challenge I accomplish. Not that I've accomplished the great, but I've had a good life. 

I am not writing this blog to make a point or cause turmoil. I do not have a specific audience or time-table. I just believe that I can experience this mid-20's crisis with YOU, whoever YOU may be. 

Signing off tonight,

1 comment:

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