Thursday, November 29, 2012

Goal setter, Go-getter

Time to be that goal setter, go-getter! It's never too late. And there is never a "right time" to start. New years is about a month away. Yea? So what. New years is a cliche, typical day to start something new. But, that doesn't mean it will stick just because you started on the first of the year. Don't wait another month to get started.

My goals constantly run through my head on a daily basis. I'm consistently thinking of the next big accomplishment I can pursue or the next big project of mine or the next big item/event to save up for. I have read in multiple books and have been told numerous times-WRITE down your goals! For some reason, we find validation in writing. Think about it. Signing a contract is validation because all the ins and outs are written down. Writing a journal is validation for those secrets and precious moments in your life. So I encourage you to write it down. Take a minute, without exhausting your brain, and jot down a few goals you have for December. Heck, even for next week!

Wait a minute! Stop right there. Remember to jot down goals for December and December only! This process becomes exhausting when you start writing down long term goals. In my opinion, long term goals are extremely important to keep in mind, but don't put all your expectations on those goals happening when and how you want them to. The thing is, being in your mid-20s, you are probably not married (although, many folks are), in a job situation that could change day to day, and living in temporary circumstances. My life has changed drastically since college graduation. And I mean immensely. I stopped talking to the college ex, moved home, my family moved away, worked many jobs, started grad school, took a break from grad school, lost friends, gained friends, moved into my own apartment, found a love story of my own, learned to cook more than just mac n' cheese and cookies, accepted that I am now a soccer coach and not a soccer player, and the list goes on and on. Needless to say, our lives are not set in stone at this age YET. Who knows if our lives will ever be set in stone. Instead of focusing on your long term goals, focus on what you can do now. Embrace the mystery of these years, where they will take you, who you will become. 

I hope when I'm out of my 20's, I can look back at this blog and find my advice to be worth while. They call these the selfish years. Yes, think about YOU and what you can get out of your 20s. But still embrace your surroundings and the people that were put in your life, be kind and gentle to others, and keep on learning. That's pretty unselfish if you ask me.

Goal for this week: Start a blog.
Goal for next week: Wake up early and get that workout in BEFORE work.
(Writing this down to validate my goal for next week. Time to become a morning person.)

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