Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher..."

Happy Thursday! Not. What a morning. I work with children, and anyone with experience in the education and child development fields KNOW how different kids can be one day to the next. I still find it so alluring but yet amusing how my 'troublemaker' child can be well-behaved one random day, and my 'superstar' child can be a wreck that same day. Then I realized, nothing has changed since I was five-years-old. Even now, one day I can be joyful and happy, and the next day I can turn into a complete mad woman. Lesson learned, do not write anyone off based on one day or one simple moment. Yes, first impressions are always key, but they are not always accurate. 

Today, try to give that annoying somebody a chance. Maybe there's a coworker you completely despise. Try grabbing lunch with that person. At least give that person an hour of your time to redeem themselves.

Another Eat, Pray, Love quote for today:
"...if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher, and if you are prepared-most of all-to face (and forgive) some very difficult realities about yourself....then truth will not be withheld from you."

I try to remember this EVERY day with every person I come in contact with, whether they are five years old, or fifty. This has really helped me become more loving to those around me, even when my first thought was to write them off. I've come to the realization that the people I cannot stand the most are usually a mirror image of what I don't like or what I used to not like about myself. Not in every case, but definitely in some. Now these people are teaching me, and I'm the student still learning at age twenty-three. There is no age limit on learning, and we are never too old to continue to grow as an individual. 

I'll say it again, and I'll mean it this time. HAPPY THURSDAY! And look at every moment today as a part of a journey, and every person as a teacher. 

Any great experiences today pertaining to this blog? Feel free to leave comments. I'd LOVE to hear from you and read YOUR story!

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